Lithgow City Council is in receipt of an application to Modify Development Consent DA016/19 relating to an approved asbestos and insulation disposal area associated with the demolition of the Wallerawang Power Station.

DA No:    016/19

MOD No:   021/21

Land Description: LOT 1 DP 568265

Applicant: Greenspot Developments Pty Ltd

Consent Authority: Western Region Joint Regional Planning Panel has the function of determining the application in accordance with Section 2.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

Description of Development:

The proposed development is Designated Development under Section 4.10 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 – Clause 32 Schedule 3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations, 2000 as a Waste Management Facility.

The proposed modification involves:

  1. The relocation of the approved asbestos disposal area to within existing disturbed land being the Kerosene Vale Ash Repository.
  2. Removing the approved asbestos disposal limit of 11,000 cubic metres and including a restriction that disposal is limited to the proposed new disposal area.
  3. Increasing the depth of excavation from 3m to 6m.

The modification of development application referred to in this notice and accompanying documents are available for public inspection, free of charge, between 19 August and 16 September 2021

Council’s website at:

NSW Planning Panel Website at:

During this period any person may inspect the development application and make a written submission on the proposal quoting Council’s file reference, DA016/19 (MOD021/21). 

If a submission is made by way of objection, the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission.

Unless the proposed development is development about which the Independent Planning Commission has conducted a public hearing, any person who makes a submission by way of objection and who is dissatisfied with the determination of the consent authority to grant development consent, may appeal to the Land and Environment Court under Section 8.8 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

If the Independent Planning Commission conducts a public hearing, the Commission’s determination of the application is final and not subject to appeal.

By making a submission to this application you are advised that Council may make public the details of your submission, including your name and any other personal details you disclose within.  If you wish to maintain your privacy in this submission process you must:

  • request your name be withheld from the list of submitters 
  • not include any of your personal information in your submission or attachments.

Council will not publish offensive, threatening, defamatory or other inappropriate material.

Section 10.4 of the Environmental Planning Assessment Act, 1979 and the Local Government and the Planning Legislation Amendment (Political Donations) Act, 2008 requires the disclosure of any reportable political donations or gifts by a person or persons who makes a relevant planning application to Council or submission on a relevant planning application to Council. Further information is available on Council’s website at