Proposed Road Naming – Yesteryears Lane and Casino Way, Portland

Proposed Road Naming – Yesteryears Lane and Casino Way, Portland

Proposed Road Naming – Yesteryears Lane and Casino Way, Portland Two (2) new roads have been created as part of Subdivision DA15/22 (The Foundations). In compliance with development consent conditions, the Developer has proposed for these roads to be named...

Business Papers for Ordinary Meeting of Council 24 June 2024

Business Papers for Ordinary Meeting of Council 24 June 2024 Agenda Agenda for Ordinary Meeting of Council 24 June 2024 Subsequent Business Paper 24 June 2024 Minutes Draft - Minutes 24 June 2024 Attachments Draft - Minutes Ordinary Meeting of Council 27 May...

Business Papers for Economic Development Committee 19 June 2024

Business Papers for Economic Development Committee 19 June 2024 Agenda Agenda for Economic Development Committee 19 June 2024   Minutes Minutes are not yet available Attachments 5.1.1 FJI A issues paper clean 5.1.2 240528 MR Houssos FJIA CW Video...


Tenders, EOIs and Quotations TEN08/24 Tender Number: TEN08/24 Description: George Coates Street Lithgow Storm Water Project – Stage 1 Successful Tenderer:Keane Civil and Construction Pty Ltd Contract Amount: $920,455 (ex GST) Decision Method: Council Resolution...

Business Papers for Extra Ordinary Meeting of Council 13 June 2024

Business Papers for Extra Ordinary Meeting of Council 13 June 2024 Agenda Agenda for Extra Ordinary Meeting of Council 13 June 2024   Minutes Minutes of Extra Ordinary Meeting of Council 13 June 2024 Attachments nil attachments Video Due to technical difficulties...