Blue Green Algae has bloomed at Lake Lyell with an Amber alert issued by Water NSW.

The latest results issued by Water NSW have indicated that Blue Green Algae levels have risen at Lake Lyell.  Consequently, an Amber Alert has been put in place. 

An Amber alert indicates that the water may have a green tinge and musty or organic taste and odour.  The water may be unsuitable for stock watering.  The water remains suitable for recreational use, however algal concentrations can change rapidly.  Water users should use caution and avoid water where signs of blue-green algae are present.  Fortnightly sampling of the Lake will continue, and an updated alert status will be reported if the situation improves. 

More information on algae alerts is available from the algal information line maintained by the NSW Office of Water, at 1800 999 457 or the Water NSW web page at