
Tenders, EOIs and Quotations TEN09/24 Tender Number: TEN10/24 Description: Lithgow STP Inlet Works Design and Construction – Stage 2 Close of Tenders: 7 July 2024, 5:00pm Name of Tenderers:  At the close of tender, Council received four (4) submissions in alphabetical...


Tenders, EOIs and Quotations TEN09/24 Tender Number: TEN09/24 Description: Water Mains Replacement in Wallerawang Township Successful Tenderer: KHP Civil Pty Ltd Contract Amount: $286,771 (Ex GST) Decision Method: Council Resolution Decision Date:...


Tenders, EOIs and Quotations TEN08/24 Tender Number: TEN08/24 Description: George Coates Street Lithgow Storm Water Project – Stage 1 Successful Tenderer:Keane Civil and Construction Pty Ltd Contract Amount: $920,455 (ex GST) Decision Method: Council Resolution...