Development Application 070/22 – Geotechnical Investigation Works, Energy Australia, Lake Lyell

Development application DA 070/22 has been made by Energy Australia Pty Ltd and seeks development consent for geotechnical investigation works on their land adjacent to Lake Lyell and Marrangaroo National Park. The works will take place over 3-6 months and involve the following:
- Drilling of nine boreholes from seven drill pads,
- 2.6km of low-impact seismic refraction survey,
- Clearing of vegetation and establishment of approximately 1.3km of new access tracks
- Repair and maintenance of existing access tracks.
Access to the works sites will be via existing access tracks from the end of Girraween Drive, Marrangaroo and via Mount Walker and via water access over Lake Lyell.
Further information on the proposal can be obtained from the documents linked below. If preferred, hard copies of the application documentation can be inspected at Council’s Administration Centre, 180 Mort Street, Lithgow during normal business hours.
The application is on public exhibition from 8 April 2022 to 28 April 2022 and public submissions are invited. Submissions must be in writing and can be emailed to or mailed to Council at PO Box 19, LITHGOW NSW 2790 referencing DA 070/22. Under the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, a person who makes a public submission in relation to a development application is required to disclose any reportable political donations and gifts made by that person within the preceding 2 year period. Any submissions made may be made public and if you do not wish for your details to be disclosed, this should be clearly stated in your submission. Any personal information can only be released under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
For further information on this matter, please contact Lachlan Sims, Team Leader Development on (02) 6354 9999 or by email at