Draft Categorisation of Land as Farmland for Rating Policy

Dec 4, 2024

On 25 November 2024, Council resolved to place the Draft Categorisation of Land as Farmland for Rating Policy on public exhibition until the end of January 2025.

This Policy aims to continue supporting primary producers within the Local Government area while ensuring fair and accurate rating for all ratepayers. The review of Farmland properties will not alter the total income generated from Council’s rating base, but will ensure that eligible farmland properties are rated correctly. Any changes to your rating category will take effect from 1 July 2025. Due to current access limitations to/from the Wolgan Valley, Wolgan ratepayers are excluded from this review.

Previously, farmland rating was granted based on land size without fully considering the criteria required under the NSW Local Government Act. By adopting this Policy and establishing an application and assessment process, Council is following best practices for local government.

The Policy outlines clear guidelines and procedures for assessing rateable land parcels to be categorised as Farmland for rating purposes. This ensures consistency in farmland assessments.

As part of Council’s ongoing rating review, some Farmland Ratepayers have already received correspondence and an application form. Many have completed and returned the forms, and no further action is required for them.

The Policy is now on public exhibition for an extended period to allow ratepayers to provide feedback. All feedback will be reported to the Council and will be considered when finalising the Policy.

The draft Policy, application form, FAQ document, and feedback form are available below.

For any questions or concerns, please contact the Revenue Team at (02) 6354 9999.

Feedback Form

Farmland feedback