Draft Future Lithgow Fund Policy
Dec 17, 2024
At the ordinary meeting of Council on 25 November 2024 Council resolved to place the Draft Future Lithgow Fund Policy on public exhibition until 9 February 2024.
Have Your Say – Future Lithgow Fund
We’re seeking feedback on the draft Future Lithgow Fund Policy, which seeks to ensure that some of the benefits from existing and proposed major project developments undertaken locally are also available for future generations of Lithgow residents by facilitating the growth of a strong regional economy and contributing to education and training initiatives.
The Lithgow Local Government Area (LGA) has a long and proud history of coal mining and coal-fired power generation providing reliable and affordable energy to the people of NSW and Australia. Thermal coal mining and associated power generation make up approximately 43% of the LGA’s economy by value-added production. As changes to the energy market to more affordable and sustainable energy production continues to develop, the Lithgow LGA will undergo a very significant industry transformation.
The purpose of the policy is to establish a mechanism by which major project developers can contribute to a Fund that will provide a permanent benefit to our communities.
Why we want your input
Your feedback will help ensure the Future Lithgow Fund has the appropriate policy settings to achieve its goal of spreading some historical wealth to future generations, and which want to capture economic value from new energy projects to assist with economic transitions management and liveability.
Have your say
You can view the Draft Future Lithgow Fund by accessing the digital version on this page, or you can view a copy in person at the Lithgow City Council Administration Centre, 180 Mort Street, Lithgow, during office hours.
To submit your feedback about this policy, email council@lithgow.nsw.gov.au.
Please quote ‘Future Lithgow Fund’ in the subject line.
You can also provide a written response to Council by mail:
Lithgow City Council
ATTN LEEP – Lithgow Future Fund
PO Box 19
180 Mort Street
Lithgow NSW 2790
Accessibility and Translations
LEEP is committed to making sure everyone can access the information they need in a format that is right for them.
If you would like to speak to someone over the phone in another language, call TIS National on 131 450 for a free interpreting service. Let them know that you want to speak to the City of Lithgow’s LEEP team (02 6354 9999) and your chosen language, and they will connect you.
The National Relay Service can support with:
- Voice relay: call 1300 555 727
- TTY: call 133 677
- SMS relay: call 0423 677 767
- Draft Future Lithgow Fund Policy released for feedback – 18 December 2024
- Written feedback on draft Future Lithgow Fund Policy closes – 9 February 2025
- Panel reviews and responds to submissions – February 2025
- Revised Future Lithgow Fund Policy presented to Lithgow City Council for endorsement – February Ordinary Meeting 2025
- Final Future Lithgow Fund Policy adopted – March 2025
If you have any questions or need support, please contact the LEEP team on 02 6354 9999 or by email – council@lithgow.nsw.gov.au.