On Exhibition
Caretaker Deed incorporating a licence to occupy community land
Council is publicly notifying a proposed Caretaker Deed incorporating a licence to occupy community land for the purpose of providing Caretaker Services. The Caretaker Deed are: The community land concerned Lake Lyell Recreation Area, 578 Magpie Hollow Road,...
Draft Future Lithgow Fund Policy
At the ordinary meeting of Council on 25 November 2024 Council resolved to place the Draft Future Lithgow Fund Policy on public exhibition until 9 February 2024. Have Your Say – Future Lithgow Fund We’re seeking feedback on the draft Future Lithgow Fund Policy, which...
Draft Planning Agreements and Contributions Policy
At the ordinary meeting of Council on 25 November 2024 Council resolved to place its Draft Planning Agreements and Contributions Policy 2025 (Draft Policy) on public exhibition. Public Exhibition Period The Draft Policy will be on public exhibition from Friday 6...
Draft Categorisation of Land as Farmland for Rating Policy
On 25 November 2024, Council resolved to place the Draft Categorisation of Land as Farmland for Rating Policy on public exhibition until the end of January 2025. This Policy aims to continue supporting primary producers within the Local Government area while ensuring...
Draft Proposal to Re-Establish Alcohol Free Zones in the Lithgow, Portland and Wallerawang Central Business Districts for a Further 4 years
Introduction The current Alcohol Free Zones in the Lithgow, Portland and Wallerawang CBD’s will lapse on 26 April 2025. This draft proposal is to consult on re-establishing the zones for a further 4 years until 26 April 2029. Under Section 644 of the Local Government...
Development Proposal DA142/24
Council is in receipt of a development application for proposed demolition of one existing building and construction of a 45 lot subdivision at 38 Williwa Street Portland NSW 2847 - Lot 53 in DP755769 and Lot 8 in DP1304112. Council has also received a letter of offer...
Proposed Causeway Naming of Burton Street Pedestrian Bridge to “George Pearce Memorial Crossing”
Proposed Causeway Naming of Burton Street Pedestrian Bridge – “George Pearce Memorial Crossing” At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 28 October 2024, the Council resolved to advertise the proposed naming of the Farmers Creek Causeway (immediately adjacent to Burton...
Draft Amendment to Voluntary Planning Agreements (VPAs) for Strathlone Estates
Lithgow City Council is publicly notifying draft amendments to two Voluntary Planning Agreements that relate to development applications DA66/05 and DA67/05, being the remaining stages of Strathlone Estates. The amendments seek to strengthen the clauses of the...
Development Proposal DA123/24
The public exhibition period for DA123/24 has been extended from 4 November until 2 December 2024. Submissions in relation to DA123/24 must be received by Council no later than 4pm on Monday 2 December 2024. Council is in receipt of a development application...
Development Proposal MODDA021/24
Council is in receipt of a development application to MODDA021/24 - Proposed modification of consent - stages 2, 3 & 4 multi dwelling incorporates design change for dwellings 4 to 15 inclusive. - changes to road layout & service conditions - Lot 402 DP 1155154...
Development Proposal – DA051/24 Mobile Telecommunications Facility
Council is in receipt of a development application to DA051/24 at - 35-43 Cooerwull Road Lithgow NSW 2790 for a Mobile Telecommunications Facility. Please note that Council has received an amended site plan, showing the relocation of the development. The application...