On Exhibition

Policy 9.5 Councillor Expenses and Facilities
At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Monday 24 February 2025, Council resolved to place the revised Policy 9.5 Councillor Expenses and Facilities on public exhibition and comment for 28 days. The Policy will be on exhibition until 2 April 2025. Following the...

Development Proposal – DA186/24
DA186/24 - PROPOSED Service Station, ancillary drive-thru and associated Infrastructure Lot 113 DP 9370, Lot 114 DP 9370, Lot 115 DP 9370 - 353 Main Street LITHGOW NSW 2790 Council is in receipt of a development application for a Proposed Service Station, ancillary...

Expression of Interest – Disposal of Bridge Timbers
Lithgow City Council has appointed a contractor to demolish and replace the Charles Street Timber Bridge with a reinforced concrete structure. The timber bridge had reached the end of their useful life and funding for their replacement was secured from the NSW...

Modification of Development Application – MODDA034/24
Council is in receipt of a Modification of a development application - MODDA034/24 – proposed modification to amend the subdivision layout and associated infrastructure to the approved 79 lot residential subdivision - Lot 2 DP 1229039 - 33 Magpie Hollow Road South...

New Service Fees and Charges for Aquatic Centre
At the Council meeting held 28 October 2024, Council resolved to place the proposed fees and charges to enable coaching services at the intermediate and advanced squad level on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. Currently, Swim Squad services are offered by...

Draft Categorisation of Land as Farmland for Rating Policy
On 25 November 2024, Council resolved to place the Draft Categorisation of Land as Farmland for Rating Policy on public exhibition until the end of February 2025. This Policy aims to continue supporting primary producers within the Local Government area while ensuring...