Farmers Creek Precinct

Walkway Link Guy Street

The Farmers Creek Farmers Creek shared pathway network the heart of the city enables runners, walkers and cyclists a safe and uninterrupted path from Lake Pillans and Blast Furnace to the Lithgow Sporting Precinct and Chivers Close in the west.   

Project Update

Burton Street Causeway Crossing

 Work is scheduled to commence 8 July on the installation of a causeway crossing over Farmers Creek near Burton Street. This work will see the reinstatement of the missing link in the Farmers Creek shared pathway network that will enable runners, walkers and cyclists a safe and uninterrupted path from Lake Pillans and Blast Furnace to Chivers Close in the west.

The causeway crossing will resolve stormwater flow issues that were identified following installation of the previous bridge crossing. This new box culvert design is designed to be inundated during heavy rain, but includes specialised handrails for community safety, and which will not have a negative impact on flood levels for adjacent properties during periods of heavy rainfall.

It will be a dual box culvert design, including associated wingwalls, concrete aprons, embankment stabilisation and guardrails.

Project start: 8 July 2024

Expected completion:  4 weeks