Sewer Mains Relining at Extension Estate

Charles St Bridge

Sewer Mains Relining at Extension Estate

Lithgow City Council contracted Interflow Pty Limited to conduct maintenance and repairs to approximately 700m of sewer main located in parts of the Extension Estate. The project commenced on 8 February and is expected to be completed by late April

While the works are being undertaken Interflow staff are required to enter the backyards of properties that have a Sewer Access Chamber. Please note that the contractor will not enter your house and you do not need to be home when this work is being carried out.

The works will require Interflow staff to enter the backyards of properties that have a sewer access chamber in the following streets: Laurence Street, Academy Street and Cupro Street and adjoining properties on Main and Methven Streets.

Your cooperation is appreciated as we undertake these important works which will secure the sewer infrastructure protecting our local environment and the public health of the community.

The activities associated with this work include the following:

  • Closed circuit television (CCTV) inspection of the sewer mains.
  • High pressure water jetting.
  • Local excavation work.
  • Rehabilitation of sewer mains.

Some residents may experience an increase in noise, vehicle movements and odours while work is being carried out. The council appreciates the impact that these works may have on surrounding residents, therefore, every effort will be made to minimise these impacts.

Progress Update 21st March 2024

Council have completed the Initial Clean & CCTV investigation, the Civil Works and relining.

The sealing of the junctions is currently programmed to occur throughout April, with an estimated start date in the week of the 8th and an estimated finish in the week of the 22nd.

We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.