September Community Update
Development Applications
The following Development Applications were approved at the August Council Meeting:
- DA 064/23 Energy Australia Industrial Development Boreholes & Pit Excavation-Boulder Road to inform the design and constructibility of a proposed 500 Megawatt battery system and associated infrastructure at the site. The investigations will include environmental and hazard assessments, local geotechnical conditions, potential engineering constraints, potential contaminants, and ground levels for the overall project to assist in determining its viability at the site.
- DA199/22 Proposed Golf Cart/Storage Shed, to be located west of the carpark and southwest of the Lithgow Golf Club House.
DA084/23 Lithgow Women’s Shed and S64 (Water & Sewer Charges) Fee Exemption Request
The development application for the construction of a new multi-function/community facility Lithgow Area Women’s Shed Inc. was approved. The project is funded from a grant of $2,460,625 from the Federal Bushfire Recovery Grants program.
The multi-function building to comprise a workshop with ancillary tool rooms, meeting room/hall, two small commercial offices, 2 kitchens, kids’ room, and amenities to be located at the Tony Luchetti Sports Centre, Geordie Street, Lithgow.
The location of the development is to the south of the main oval, between the main showground grandstand to the west, the skate park to the southeast and the ballroom to the east.
The council also approved an exemption of the Developer Contribution fee of $138,813 noting that the building will become a council asset once completed, to be used by the Women’s Shed and other members of the community.
2022 Natural Disasters – Storm Recovery Related Works – Update
As a result of the extensive wet weather during 2022, emergency work was initiated on 2 projects to prevent road closure and separately, the possibility of a sewerage leak into Farmers Creek. Both of these projects have reduced risk to the public and the natural environment.
Farmers Creek Sewer Line Protection
After the significant storm events in July/August 2022, a section of sewer main was exposed due to erosion of the embankment of Farmers Creek, adjacent to Tank Street and leading to a pump station. Schumack Engineering, Bathurst were engaged to supply interlocking blocks and undertake the works needed to secure the sewer line and protect it from further exposure. As the water/sewer operation is a business function of Council, the $400,000 costs to undertake this emergency work is unable to be recouped through Natural Disaster Recovery Arrangements. However, the Council is investigating whether the costs can be claimed on insurances.
Works have been completed with the previously exposed mains now protected against high water flows in Farmers Creek. This has potentially stopped raw sewer flowing into the creek, which would result in disruption to the sewer system.
Cox’s River Road, Hartley
Over the last 6 months a 5.9km length of Cox’s River Road was repaired which included a new seal and adjacent infrastructure. These works will reduce future maintenance and increase the life of the road.
The costs for the rehabilitation of Coxs River Road and associated works have come to $4,070,000, which is an additional $1,570,000 above the original approved expenditure. The increased expenditure arose from the uncertainty of the project including:
- Continued failure of the road which required additional works to rehabilitate the road and supporting infrastructure to provide a safe road for road users.
- Unanticipated latent site conditions and poor subgrade quality necessitated increases to project costs to ensure the repair was permanent and resilient in the face of future disaster.
- It was very difficult to estimate the final cost of the project due to the extent of the damage of the road and the dynamic nature of the failure of the road that continued to fail in different sections as the project continued.
The works on the Cox’s River Road restored access and safe passage for road users. The new seal and adjacent infrastructure will reduce maintenance and increase the life of the road. The council is seeking reimbursement of costs through the Natural Disaster Recovery fund.
South Bowenfels Link Road Stage 1 Tender awarded
The Council has awarded the tender for the construction of Stage 1 of the South Bowenfels Link Road; “Three Tree Drive” to Graceys Earthmoving and Excavations Pty Ltd. The Link Road is funded under the NSW Government Regional Housing Fund and will eventually link the Hospital from Col Drewe Drive to James O’Donnell Drive. Works on Stage 1 are scheduled for completion in January 2024 to allow for the expansion of this growth corridor.
Glen Davis Road – 3 Bridges Project
In 2020, Council was successful in obtaining $5,043,774 in funding through Transport for NSW’s (TfNSW) ‘Fixing Country Bridges’ program to replace three (3) timber bridges along Glen Davis Road with reinforced concrete structures. The project is now almost complete, with the three bridges open to traffic and only ancillary works, such as fencing, vegetation rehabilitation and line marking remaining. A pedestrian handrail is installed at Airly Creek Bridge to provide a lookout for birdwatchers. The project has been completed under budget and the Council has further approved a contract variation to widen of the eastern approach to Airly Creek Bridge. Undertaking this work will improve visibility for traffic, as the cutting is located on a sweeping corner leading up to the bridge crossing.
Implementing the Lithgow Active Transport Plan
Council is commencing works to construct footpaths funded under the Get Active NSW Grant. Weather permitting works will be conducted between 7am and 6pm on the following dates:
- 25 Sept – 6 Oct – Cullen Bullen from the Bus Stop on Castlereagh Highway along Carsons Siding Road to McCann Way.
- 9 – 30 Oct – High Street Portland from 1 High St to corner High & Roxburgh Streets.
Traffic management will be in place. Council appreciates your patience during this time.
The following works are currently being scheduled:
- Barton Avenue, Wallerawang – south side of from Pipers Flat Road to Lyon Parade.
- Pindari Place, Wallerawang between Cripps Avenue and James Parade.
- Hartley Valley Road, Lithgow between Mort Street and Chifley Road.
- Maple Crescent, Lithgow between 2 Church Street and 1 Elm Street.
Kremer Park Grandstand Restoration
Council was successful in receiving a grant through the NSW Government’s Resources for Regions program to restore the timber elements and reclad the exterior of the Kremer Park Grandstand at Portland. The works will be undertaken by local builder, Dean Horton The grandstand will be closed for the duration of the works, which are expected to be completed by late 2023. However, the public may still access Kremer Park during this time.