Lithgow Council has thanked the local tourism industry for their contributions at nine workshops recently held to shape a new Destination Action Plan.

Mayor Maree Statham said “Lithgow’s tourism offer operates in a crowded market. We need a laser sharp focus on the right actions to stand out from the competition and attract visitors and spending. It was so pleasing to see the good turnout of local tourism industry representatives at the stakeholder engagement workshops. Very positive feedback has been received about the calibre of the content, and excitement at the positivity for the future of tourism in our beautiful area”.

Lithgow City Council is developing a new Seven Valleys Destination Action Plan The Plan will set the agenda and priorities to sustainably grow the visitor economy of the region over the next five years. The Plan will support regional promotion, visitation and prosperity and look to address barriers and challenges.

The Destination Action Plan is the first step in putting in place a framework of actionable goals that council and the local tourism industry can collaborate to achieve, in a deliverable and measurable way.