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Civil Engineering

Guidelines for Civil Engineering

These Guidelines for Civil Engineering Design and Construction have been developed to provide consistent guidelines for the design of engineering works within the Lithgow City Council Local Government Area, and facilitate the expeditious processing of engineering plan submissions, construction approvals, and linen plan releases for subdivisions and developments.

Council welcomes the submission of innovative design solutions which vary from the provisions contained within these guidelines, and will consider these proposals on their merits, having regard to such matters as the infrastructure design life and long-term maintenance requirements.

Applicants should be aware that all development applications are considered on the merits of the development and its overall impact on the area, and not solely in compliance with minimum engineering standards. It is imperative that all conditions of development consent imposed under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act are addressed within the detailed engineering plans, as these conditions take precedence over the information contained

When development approval includes conditions of construction which are embodied in the approved plans and specifications, the onus is on the applicant to whom the approval is given to ensure works are carried out in compliance with these conditions.

Council will hold the applicant, to whom the development approval was issued, solely responsible for constructing the approved infrastructure works and maintaining them for the duration of any maintenance period. Any contractor carrying out subdivision or development works is directly responsible to the developer, and not to Council.