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2023/24 Rates Calculator

Rates Calculator 2023 srv v2

Conditions of Use

  • While Council has endeavoured to make use of the best information currently available to it, it is noted that some of the information required to provide an estimate is sourced from third parties and is beyond Council's control.

  • The NSW Government has approved Council's Special Rate Variation from the 2023/2024 financial year.

  • The calculator cannot provide an estimate where the property is assessed as having more than one rating category (such as a ground floor business with a first story dwelling). Owners of mixed-use properties will need to contact Council's Revenue Team on (02) 6354 9999 for an estimate.

  • I understand that the rates calculation is based on my 2022 land valuation only and does not include water, sewer and waste charges.

Check box below to acknowledge above conditions of use.

Rate Category

This rates calculator cannot estimate the charges for mixed use properties.  Please contact Council on (02) 6354 9999 or email council@lithgow.nsw.gov.au to arrange for a quote from our Revenue Department.

Property Details

Enter valuation found on Valuer General notification.

Lithgow - Residential

Please Note: A pension rebate of $300.00 has been included in the calculation

Portland - Residential

Please Note: A pension rebate of $300.00 has been included in the calculation

Wallerawang - Residential

Please Note: A pension rebate of $300.00 has been included in the calculation

Other - Residential

Please Note: A pension rebate of $300.00 has been included in the calculation

Lithgow - Business

Please Note: A pension rebate of $300.00 has been included in the calculation

Portland - Business

Please Note: A pension rebate of $300.00 has been included in the calculation

Wallerawang - Business

Please Note: A pension rebate of $300.00 has been included in the calculation

Other - Business

Please Note: A pension rebate of $300.00 has been included in the calculation


Please Note: A pension rebate of $300.00 has been included in the calculation

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Please Note: If you wish to test another property, please ensure you refresh your web browser page so that all previous calculations are cleared.


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