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Booking venues and facilities

Booking Council’s Recreational Facilities

Lithgow City Council is responsible for a number of recreational facilities through the Lithgow Local Government Area.

Any person / organisation wishing to use these facilities for an organised event is required to seek approval from Council to utilise the facility. Bookings ensure that Council plans any scheduled maintenance and cleaning, and adequately notifies other users and the public that the facility may be unavailable during the booking period. It also ensures that all legislative requirements are adhered to, including public liability insurance, food safety, sale of alcohol and pyrotechnical displays.

Council facilities regularly booked include:

  • Conran Oval
  • Jim Monaghan Athletics Oval
  • Kremer Park, Portland
  • Glanmire Oval
  • Lake Wallace, Wallerawang
  • Lithgow War Memorial Olympic Swimming Pool
  • Marjorie Jackson Oval
  • Saville Park, Portland
  • Tony Luchetti Sportsground
  • Wallerawang Oval, Wallerawang
  • Watsford Oval
  • Zig Zag Oval

Applicants need to apply on Bookable for all bookings, and submit with the required verification documents (ie Public Liability insurance, food notification and food safety and hygiene certification, alcohol licence and pyrotechnical application). This application is then assessed by Council officers for compliance with regulations, conflicts with other approved bookings, or determination as to the appropriate venue for the event, and this assessment is presented to Council’s Sports Advisory Committee meeting for discussion and determination.

Council’s Sports Advisory Committee meet on the last Monday of every month, and applicants are requested to submit their completed booking applications at least six (6) weeks prior to the proposed event to ensure that the booking is presented to the Committee for determination.

1.Public Liability Insurance

Council’s public liability insurance will only cover Council owned property, and Applicants are required to ensure they have the appropriate insurance coverage in an event where a claim may be made occurring from their activities. A copy of the current policy, as evidence of insurance coverage for $20 million, must be supplied with all Recreation Facilities Booking Applications.

2. Food Notification/Food Safety and Hygiene Certification

If food products are able to be purchased as part of the booking, the Applicant will need to provide Council with verification that they have notified the NSW Food Authority of the event, and that a representative from the organisation has completed the NSW Tafe Food Safety and Hygiene course.

If these certificates are not provided, Council cannot grant permission for use of any canteen / kitchen facility.

Under the Food Act 2003, food stall holders at temporary, periodic and / or one off events are required to notify the NSW Food Authority of their details. Notification can be performed and lodged free on line www.foodnotify.nsw.gov.au. Further information can be obtained by contacting the NSW Food Authority’s Help Desk on 1300 650 124.

It is the responsibility of all approved hirers of Council’s facilities who are providing any food products in association with their activities to ensure that they comply with the relevant parts of the National Food Standards Code.

Council also requires verification that the Applicant (or representative) has completed the Food Safety and Hygiene course through NSW TAFE. Council recommends that if the applicant is an organisation, a number of the organisation’s members undertake this course to ensure that a certified person is on site at all times during the preparation and serving of food products.

3. Alcohol Licence

If any alcohol is to be served as part of the event, the Applicant will need to provide Council with verification that approval from the Licence Administration Board has been granted.

A copy of the “Off Licence Approval” from the Licence Administration Board must be provided if alcohol is to be served during the event. As event organiser, the Applicant will also be responsible for ensuring that no glass containers are used in the consumption of alcohol as part of the event, whether served by the organisation or provided by spectators. The Applicant will also be responsible for the behaviour of spectators and participants of the event, and are advised to ensure that appropriate security measures are taken to adequately enforce the conditions of the approval.

4. Pyrotechnical Displays

Applicants wishing to conduct a pyrotechnical display in conjunction with the event need to complete and return an Application for Pyrotechnical Display on Council Property Form in addition to the Recreational Facilities Booking Application.

For pyrotechnical displays, Council requires the following information to be provided with the Application to allow adequate assessment:

  • Pyrotechnical provider’s WorkCover NSW Licence;
  • Pyrotechnical provider’s Public Liability insurance policy verifying coverage for $20 million minimum;
  • Map detailing location and dimension of firing site (Council is able to provide site plans for venues upon request);
  • Map detailing proximity of any other temporary / permanent structures (marquees, show rides, displays etc) within the drop zone;
  • Details of number and types of fireworks to be used (aerial, ground etc);
  • Details of how notification will be provided to NSW Police, Ambulance Service NSW, NSW Fire and Rescue, and NSW Rural Fire Service. Additional advice is to be provided to Lithgow District Hospital, Cooinda Aged People’s Home, Lithgow Aged Care, Three Tree Lodge Residential Aged Care Facility, Lithgow Vet Hospital and Bowenfels Vet Clinic (needs to be completed at least two (2) weeks before event, and Council is able to provide contact numbers for these agencies); and
  • Details of how notification will be provided to the community as a whole, specific adjoining neighbours, and a map showing the location of neighbours to be notified.

5. Fees & Charges

Fees and charges (as listed in Council Management Plan) may be applicable for bookings, including refundable bonds and hire charges.

If approved, Council will issue a tax invoice to the Applicant, and the applicable fees are required to be paid in full at least one (1) week prior to the commencement of the event. Failure to make appropriate payment may result in Council revoking approval for the event, as well as impact on any future booking applications made by the Applicant.

6. General Information

All of Council’s recreation facilities are community assets that are used by a large number of groups, and due care and consideration should be given to all users of these facilities to ensure that everyone is given fair access to the facilities.

Calendars detailing bookings for all Council facilities are also now able to be viewed online.

This enables all prospective users to view the applicable calendar to determine if the facility is available for proposed bookings. These calendars are updated after each Sports Advisory Committee meeting (last Monday of each month).

This application process will make booking of Council facilities easier for hirers that have a high turnover of staff / volunteers involved in bookings, or organisations where more than one person is responsible for co-ordinating events.

Further information regarding bookings can be obtained by contacting Council’s Operations Department on (02) 6354 9999, or emailing council@lithgow.nsw.gov.au.