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Waste 2 Art

Waste 2 Art

WASTE 2 ART is a community art exhibition and competition open to all residents of the NetWaste region. It showcases creative works made from reused waste materials. The aim is to challenge peoples’ perceptions about ‘rubbish’ and to celebrate the reuse and recycling of waste through arts and crafts.

Waste 2 Art provides an innovative approach to waste education, invites individuals, schools, and community groups to take up the challenge and create a new life for materials that would otherwise have been thrown away or, considered useless. Over the years many materials have been used, items like soft plastics, tin cans, bottle tops, plastic bags, scrap metal, clothing, the options are endless. Instead of heading to landfill, these waste materials can be turned into fantastic works of art.

This competition gives aspiring and professional artists the chance to explore and share their “waste reduction message”.  It also provides a wonderful opportunity for the entire Lithgow community to showcase their creativity.

 A specific waste item is featured as part of Waste 2 Art each round in an attempt to highlight problem issues, and this year is the Year of Toys.


Competition categories:

​The Competition will include the following categories:

Primary School

  • 2 Dimensional
  • 3 Dimensional
  • Functional – furniture, craftworks & wearable items made from recycled materials

Secondary School

  • 2 Dimensional
  • 3 Dimensional
  • Functional – furniture, craftworks & wearable items made from recycled materials


  • 2 Dimensional
  • 3 Dimensional
  • Functional – furniture, craftworks & wearable items made from recycled materials


  • 2 Dimensional
  • 3 Dimensional
  • Functional – furniture, craftworks & wearable items made from recycled materials

Regional competition & exhibition

Dubbo Regional Council will host the Regional Showcase from 20th September to the 2nd November 2025. Winning artworks from our local exhibition will be transported to the Regional Showcase at the Western Plains Cultural Centre 76 Wingewarra Street Dubbo.

Opening Function and official announcement of winners on 27th September2025 at the Western Plains Cultural Centre, 76 Wingewarra Street, Dubbo.


Entry Submissions Monday 9 June – Friday 13 June
Entries Close Friday 13 June
Local awards night Friday 11 July
Dubbo Regional Showcase Opening Saturday 27 September
Public exhibition of Regional Showcase Saturday 20 September – Sunday 2 November


For further information contact:
Verity Brookes
Community and Cultural Development Coordinator
02 62549958