Financial Assistance
Guidelines For Lithgow City Council Financial Assistance Program
General Conditions of Funding
- All applicants are to complete the Financial Assistance Application form – letters of request or verbal applications will not be accepted as funding applications.
- Applications that match $ for $ will be considered favourably – any matching funding from the applicant or other sources are to be identified on the application.
- Applications received after close of business on the due dates will not be considered.
- Assessment of applications will remain confidential.
- No funding will be allocated to meet short falls, nor will financial assistance be retrospective other than for Council fee waiver requests within the current financial year.
- All applicants must provide certificates of currency for insurance and/or constitution/rules of their organisation.
- Council must be acknowledged in all promotional activities and must be provided with copies of advertising or promotional materials featuring Council for Council’s approval prior to use in any promotional activity.
- This symbol
on the application form provides tips on particular components on the application form.
- Any funds unspent at the completion of the project must be returned to Council.
- Council requires a tax invoice prior to payment of Financial Assistance. GST will be added to all financial assistance. Applicants should be registered for GST and provide their ABN. Applicants without an ABN must submit a ‘Statement by a Supplier” form available from the Australian Tax Office or from Council.
- Council fees and charges incurred in the holding of an event will be deducted before the financial assistance is paid.
- For financial assistance of $10,000 and above, a performance agreement must be completed between Council and the organisation.
- Applicants should keep the guidelines and only return the application form and any associated documentation with their application.
Financial Assistance Categories
There are three (3) financial assistance categories.
Non-Recurrent Financial Assistance
Council calls for applications for financial assistance twice each year in April and October. This financial assistance will be made available in July and December respectively.
All organisations requesting non-recurrent financial assistance must do so on the Financial Assistance Program Application Form.
Council considers at these times, applications:
- To support local projects and activities with a demonstrated broad community benefit to the Lithgow community.
- For the re-imbursement of the general rates component of property rates (including rates for Crown land).
- For the waiving of fees and charges for the use of Council owned facilities.*
- Schools: Local projects and activities of schools within Council’s area where those projects demonstrate partnership with and benefit to the wider community.
Note: Council will not support any school scholarships that are not funded through a dedicated trust fund. Such school scholarships will only be supported until the trust fund balance reduces to zero;
Schools within Council’s area will be provided an amount of $50 per school per annum as a contribution towards end of year academic prizes, for which no application will be required
Sporting Related Financial Assistance
- Council’s Sports Advisory committee considers ALL applications for sporting-related sponsorships/financial assistance including the waiving of sportsground hire fees and charges.
- The Sports Advisory Committee has existing criteria that sets the level of funding for different sporting achievements.
- All organisations seeking Sporting financial assistance or a sporting facility fee reduction must submit an application using the Financial Assistance Program Application Form.
Organisations may submit requests for the waiving of Council fees and charges throughout the year. These are to be submitted on the Financial Assistance Program Application form. Council fees and charges will be deducted before the financial assistance is paid.
Indicative Funding Levels
Project Description And Information To Include In The Application
The following information is to be included in the application:
- The project name
- A clear description of the project and its aims.
- How the project meets the overall visions of Council. Obtain a copy of Council’s Management Plan to get a better picture of Council’s visions.
- Clearly identified and demonstrated needs for the project from the community’s viewpoint.
- How the project/programs will address identified needs.
- Outcomes to be achieved and the specific tasks to be undertaken
- Evidence of consultation with, and involvement in the project of, key stakeholders and others who will benefit from the project.
- A project timetable.
- Letters of support including supporting documentation from the applicant’s sponsoring or governing body.
- Section 4 on the application form.
- IMPORTANT – Every applicant should carefully consider this section and complete in full.
- Include a detailed budget that shows income and expenditure for the project and details of any other funding that is anticipated.
- Include an estimate of the in-kind contribution to be provided by your organisation as $ for $ matching applications will be favourably considered.
- Applicants may attach a budget to the application in preference to completing the section.
Implementation Schedule
- Section 5 on the application form.
- This will assist Council to understand how you will achieve the project objectives.
Acquittal And Reporting Requirements
- An acquittal form is provided with the application form for applicant’s information only.
- A copy will be sent to all applicants at the conclusion of the funding process – applicants need to ensure that they have listed the end date of the project in section 1.
- Organisations receiving a financial assistance of less than $500 are required to submit a letter outlining the achievements and benefits of the project.
- All organisations receiving a financial assistance of between $500 and $2,000 are required to submit the acquittal form and provide a written report that indicates how monies were spent and whether the outcomes identified in the application were achieved.
- Organisations receiving a financial assistance of more than $2,000 are required to submit an acquittal form, an audited financial statement and a written report that indicates how monies were spent and whether the outcomes identified in the application were achieved.
- Organisations receiving a financial assistance of $10,000 and over will be required to report quarterly (or as agreed) in the performance agreement that will be created for each Category 1 application.
Funding Agreement
- ONLY applicants seeking financial assistance of $10,000 or more are required to complete a funding agreement but this is not required until funding is approved.
- Successful applicants will be sent a completed copy for signing following the negotiation of terms between the organisation and Council.
Attachments To Assist In The Consideration Of Your Request
The following attachments must be attached with the financial assistance request:
- The organisation’s constitution.
- Minutes of the most recent Annual General Meeting and the most recent Annual report and financial statements.
The following suggested inclusions might assist in the success of the request:
- Details of promotional and marketing activities for the project.
- Evidence of ongoing communication with stakeholders regarding the project.
- Number of active members, including volunteers, in the organisation – names are not required.
Any changes to the purpose for which funding has been allocated must be submitted in writing to
The General Manager,
Lithgow City Council,
Checklist – These Items Must Be Included With The Application
To ensure the application is complete, please check that all the attachments are included as follows:
- A completed application form is required for ALL applications.
- All applicants should complete section 1
- All applicants should complete section 2 selecting one category only.
- All applicants need to sign in section 6.
- For capital assistance projects – 2 quotations must be included.
- All Applicants must include the organisation’s constitution showing its not-for-profit status.
- All Applicants must include the minutes of the most recent Annual General Meeting and the most recent Annual report and financial statements.
- Only return the application form and your attachments – keep the guidelines, draft funding agreement and draft acquittal form for your records.